Friday, February 4, 2011

Philosophy: It's all about the taste...

If you're wondering why so little in my recipes are measured, the answer is simple. It's all about the flavors. The only way to truly learn how to cook, is to taste you way to the desired result. So if you like garlic but not Parmesan cheese I'm not going to tell you to use it; or how much. What YOU like the most is what you should use most of.

I know this can be confusing when cooking is a new challenge but this is the best way to learn how to combine flavors. After a while you will be making your own signature dishes your friends and family will love and bring new favorite flavors to the menu.

In my world I like to keep cooking simple and let every flavor play a part - just like musical instruments.

1 comment:

  1. what would you do with left over chicken and turkey?
