Friday, February 4, 2011

Fresh spinach fettuchine w/ blue cheese sauce and roasted bacon dices

If you're an fan of blue cheese you'll love this simple and reasy pasta dish.

Fresh spinach fettuchine (pre-packaged), 6-7 oz of blue cheese, 1 cup of light sour cream, bacon dices, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

Melt the cheese in a caserole very slowly. Keep stirring so the cheese does not boil or bubble. When the cheese is completely melted pour in the sour cream. Do NOT let the sour cream boil. Adjust flavor with salt and pepper.

Roast the bacon dices on a pan. When done put them on a couple of pieces folded paper towel to suck up the excess fat.

Boil a gallon of water and put the pasta in. Add a table spoon of salt and a little bit of oil. Let the fresh pasta boil for 3-4 minutes. While the water is straining from the pasta heat up the sauce to boiling point.

TIPS: You can put the bacon dices in the sauce while heating it up, but if your serve as a portion on a plate it looks better that the bacon is sprinkled on to of the sauce.

DINNER - by Dad is ready.

1 comment:

  1. This is on my menu tonight. I couldn't find fresh spinach fettuchine, so I'm adding the spinach to the sauce. Chop it up and put it in a minute before served...
