Tuesday, March 29, 2011

'Tomatorized' vegetable soup - by Michelin Star Chef Bo Bech

This is so out of season right now but soon the hot souther summer is here and this is a refreshing soup.

I saw this type of soup the first time in the BBC TV show ‘Floyd on Spain’. Michelin Star Chef Bo Bech has revived this ‘Gazpacho type’ soup as one of his many signature dishes. This is a seasonal soup where you can use any kind of vegetables in southern summer heat.
Pick out the vegetables that you love and use them as shown below. Peel them the same way and blend them as shown in the recipe. EXPERIMENT!!! Remember to adjust flavors with olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

10 tomatoes
1 green squash
1 yellow squash
1-2 cloves of garlic
2 red bell peppers
2 yellow bell peppers
2 green bell peppers
3 cucumbers
Perhaps some fresh chopped spices of your liking

This is how you go about it:

1. Rinse and peel all you veggies.
2. Cut 1/3 of them in small dices. Add salt, pepper and olive oil and let them marinate in a separate bowl.
3. Peel and cut the rest of the veggies and blend them with a little bit of water so you’ll get a ’soup like’ texture. Adjust flavor with sea salt, fresh ground pepper and olive oil.
4. Put the marinated dices veggies in the soup.
5. In the deluxe edition you add fresh chopped spices of your own choice.
Serve the soup cold on a ‘HOTlanta’ summer day.
TIP: If you like the soup ICECOLD, blend with a couple of ice cubes with the water. You can use veggies like celery, but NOT roots and potatoes!

DINNER - by Michelin Star Chef Bo Bech is ready!


  1. Rart at se en opskrift der opfordre til eksperiment - mad er andet end at følge opskrifter :-)

  2. Lyder altså ret godt i mine ører - og er helt sikker på at det vil være et hit ISKOLD på en varm sommerdag :-)

    Mange hilsner

  3. OH YUM! Gaspacho is one of my favorites ever! I'm really hoping we can make this SOON! This would actually accompany your shrimp recipe beautifully if I can be so bold to mix these recipes on here!

