Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baked garlic mash potatoes

Most people like a good side of mash potatoes with a steak. But it doesn't have to be the same ole boring mash - there is room to get creative. Here is a very conservative suggestion so go ahead and get creative, experiment and taste your way to your own signature mash...

For 5 lbs potatoes
1/2 stick of butter
Milk - just a bit
Fresh Roma tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic

Peel the potatoes and cut them in small pieces. Put them in a pot with water and boil until done.

Mash the potatoes with the butter. When thoroughly mashed pour in a little bit of milk for texture.

Finely dice the tomatoes and put them in. Finely chop the garlic with sea salt an put that in too. Stir and adjust flavor with pepper.

For baking put the mash in little bowls or a pan that can stand heat in the oven and broil at 500F for 15-20 minutes. Create a pattern with a fork or the side of a spoon before pitting the mash in the oven.

TIP: if you don't like tomatoes try en experiment with scallions, leaks or other vegetable you like; or complete leave it out.

SIDE - by Dad is ready.

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